Al-Kindi Society of Engineers invites its members to the Annual General Meeting for the year 2023 which will be held online via the Zoom platform at 13:00 London Time on 9th of July 2023.
- To receive a report from the Management Committee on the Al-Kindi’s achievements in the previous year (March 2022 – June 2023).
- To receive the Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2022, and interim financial report for Q2 2023.
- Vote of thanks to the Management Committee and other committees.
- Election of a new Management Committee (including president and company directors).
- Any other business.
To join the AGM Zoom Meeting use the link below:
Meeting ID: 812 5334 1541
Passcode: AGM2023
Members who have not yet renewed their membership for 2023 are advised to renew their membership urgently.
The nominations form for the new Management Committee positions including the president and company director roles can be found on the website link below.
Finally, members who are not able to attend can use the proxy voting form to instruct the AGM chair or another member on how to excercise thier votes at the AGM.
We look forward to your active participation at the AGM.
Best wishes
The Management Committee
Al-Kindi Society of Engineers
Nominations Form for Managment Committee Positions
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Proxy Forms
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